
Just trying to be real : diversions, reveries and picture stories

Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc. Fotografi Konst Personliga berättelser

Just trying to be real : diversions, reveries and picture stories

Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc. Fotografi Konst Personliga berättelser
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I believe delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities. It’s all out there but the beauty of everyday life is often passed by unnoticed. Much like when reading a book or watching a film, the essentials are between the lines, thoughts turning up on the side in a parallel story, like a code to something or a snapshot of a distant memory that wants to be found... and making pictures is somewhat related to this. I rely a lot on chance. After I have tortured, torn and worn my pictures, something occasionally arises, often - as easy to ignore as it’s interesting. Maybe a comparison with an old well-worn table comes close - a table which has cavities, scratches and paint stains - it has become beautifully aged just by itself. But mainly - the pictures came into being as they did that day, without claiming to be fantastic masterpieces, more of a children’s picture book... but for grown-ups.