
Non-algorithmic encryption : encryption beyond algorithms

Kategorier: Datakryptering Datasäkerhet Informationsteknik

Non-algorithmic encryption : encryption beyond algorithms

Kategorier: Datakryptering Datasäkerhet Informationsteknik
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This report describe encryp­tion in a wider class of computation, as compared to ordinary clas­sic encryption algorithms. The security of the pro­posed systems are investig­ated, and it is shown, that the non-al­gorithmic ciphers have many advant­ageous properties.

The theoretical foundation is presented with many con­venient refer­ences. The report also contain a discussion of the relev­ance, of the theory, in the real world.

Practical issues, of cipher design, are discussed, and the Reader should easily be able to design a secure cipher; adopted to any local requirements or restrictions.