Sökresultat för Emma Jane Holloway... Rensa filter?

av:Emma Jane Holloway

Kategorier: Fantasy Skönlitteratur
When a bomb goes off at 221B Baker Street, Evelina Cooper is thrown into her uncle Sherlock’s world of mystery and murder. But just when she thought it was safe to return to the ballroom, old, new, and even dead enemies are clamoring for a place on her dance card. Before Evelina’s even unpacked her gowns…
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Isbn: 9780345537195


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Emma Jane Holloway

Evelina Cooper, the niece of the great Sherlock Holmes, is poised to enjoy her first Season in London Society. But there’s a murderer to deal withnot to mention missing automatons, a sorcerer, and a talking mouse. In a Victorian era ruled by a council of ruthless steam barons, mechanical power is the real monarch…
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Isbn: 9780345537188


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC