Sökresultat för Inner Traditions, Inner Traditions... Rensa filter?

av: Will Johnson

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Right behind your eyes, you are there. You can feel yourself there, looking. So intimate is your connection with your looking that when you say, 'I'm looking,' you're implying that how you look and what you see are a direct reflection of who you are in this moment. Your attitudes and beliefs reflect…
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Isbn: 9781594770005


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Martinie Louis & Glassman S

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Spå i kort Spådomskonst Tarot
The first tarot to celebrate an African-American culture, this book and 79-card deck capture both the spirit and the imagery of Voodoo’s African, West Indian, and Catholic influences. Ancient and earth-honoring, Voodoo’s practices take on different forms specific to time and place, but its essence remains…
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Isbn: 9780892813636


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: 00

av:Tom Graves

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Each of us is capable of detecting the subtle emanations and vibrations that surround us. The Diviner’s Handbook helps you develop your own, individual talent and technique for dowsing as a key to greater knowledge and the time-honored art of divination. Move beyond theory to the actual practice of dowsing with…
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Isbn: 9780892813032


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Tobias Churton

Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Eklektiska och esoteriska religioner och trossystem Filosofi och religion Magi, alkemi och ockult tänkande Ockulta studier Religion och tro
For nearly 400 years, incredible myths and stories have been woven around the “invisible” Brothers of the Rose Cross, the Rosicrucians. It is said that they possessed the secret of man and God, that they could turn lead into gold, that they governed Europe in secret, that theirs was the true philosophy of Freemasonry,…
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Isbn: 9781594772559


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Finley Eversole

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Offering a window into the holistic future of medicine, the book shows the body not simply as a biological machine to be patched and repaired but as a living organism made up of cells dynamically linked to their inner and outer environments. Natural, nontoxic, inexpensive and effective alternatives to conventional…
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Isbn: 9781620551028


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Christian Ratsch , Claudia Muller-Ebling

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
An examination of the sacred botany and the pagan origins and rituals of Christmas • Analyzes the symbolism of the many plants associated with Christmas • Reveals the shamanic rituals that are at the heart of the Christmas celebration The day on which many commemorate the birth of Christ has its origins in pagan…
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Isbn: 9781594770920


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Leslie Clare Walker & Gerace Frank E

Kategorier: Barn och ungdom: folk och länder Barnböcker, ungdomsböcker och läromedel Children’s / Teenage general interest: Celebrations, holidays, festivals & special events Faktaböcker barn och ungdom
Children love holiday celebrations but most don’t know why they wear masks on Halloween or dance round the maypole on 1st of May. Now they can discover that many of our modern traditions started with the festivals of the ancient Celts. The Celts were farming people, so their festivals marked the important events…
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Isbn: 9781594772566


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Joscelyn Godwin

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Atlantis has held a perennial place in the collective imagination of humanity from ancient Greece onward. Many of the great minds of the occult and esoteric world wrote at length on their theories of Atlantis – about its high culture, its possible location, its ultimate demise and their predictions of a return to…
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Isbn: 9781594772627


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Dovid Krafchow

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
An introduction to the ancient kabbalistic origins and meanings of the tarot • Reveals the intimate relationship of the tarot to the esoteric teachings of the Torah and the Kabbalah• Provides kabbalistic interpretations for all 78 traditional tarot cards• Includes a detailed kabbalistic reading and…
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Isbn: 9781594770647


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Laszlo Ervin & Combs Allan

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
When cultural historian and spiritual ecologist Thomas Berry, described by Newsweek magazine as ’the most provocative figure among the new breed of eco-theologians,’ passed away in 2009 at age 94, he left behind a dream of healing the ’Earth community.’ In his numerous lectures, books and…
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Isbn: 9781594773952


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Schwaller de Lubicz RA

Kategorier: Ämnesområden inom filosofi Filosofi Filosofi och religion Filosofi: metafysik och ontologi
Symbolism is the intuitive means of overcoming the limitations of reason. Here Schwaller explains how true progress in human thought can be made only if we call upon the symbolizing faculty of intelligence, developed and refined in the temple culture of ancient Egypt and reflected in its hieroglyphs.
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Isbn: 9780892810222


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Edward Bruce Bynum

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
• Reveals the biochemistry of how the body’s melanin provides the template for the subtle energy body or light body • Shows how embracing the dark light consciousness of the awakened Ureaus opens a portal to the sacred darkness of the superconscious • Provides illustrated instructions for meditation…
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Isbn: 9781594774720


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Richard Heath

Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Ande, kropp och själ Filosofi och religion Folkliga föreställningar och kontroversiell kunskap Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Matematik Matematik och naturvetenskap Mystik, magi och det ockulta Religion och tro Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Shamanism, hednisk religion och druidism Talteori
Long before Pythagoras and Plato, before arithmetic and Christianity, there existed matrilineal societies around the Mediterranean, led by women with a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and sacred science. In this detailed exploration, Richard Heath decodes the cosmological secrets hidden by ancient…
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Isbn: 9781644116555


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BB

av: Colleen Craig

Kategorier: Bodybuilding Familj och hälsa Friidrott, gymnastik etc. Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Kost och träning Motion och träning Övrig sport och idrott Sport, idrott och friluftsliv Tyngdlyftning Yoga
Una entrenadora certificada en Pilates, Collen Craig nos ofrece una síntesis única y emocionante del Método Pilates de acondicionamiento del cuerpo y el ejercicio con el balón suizo, proporcionado una manera nueva de bajo impacto, para estar en forma. Usando el balón de ejercicio, no hay…
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Isbn: 9780892816941


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Otto Rahn

Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Ande, kropp och själ Filosofi och religion Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Mystik, magi och det ockulta Ockulta studier Religion och tro
Otto Rahn’s lifelong search for the Grail brought him to the attention of the SS leader Himmler, who shared his esoteric interests. Induced by Himmler to become the chief investigator of the occult for the Nazis, Rahn traveled throughout Europe – from Spain to Iceland – in the mid 1930s pursuing leads…
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Isbn: 9781594771972


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Peter Lamborn Wilson

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
The Yezidis are an ancient people who live in the mountainous regions on the borders of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. This secretive culture worships Melek Ta'us, the Peacock Angel, an enigmatic figure often identified as “the devil” or Satan, hence the sect is known as devil-worshippers and has long been…
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Isbn: 9781644114124


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Alain Danielou

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Hinduism Religion och tro
The study of Hindu mythology explores the significance of the most prominent Hindu dieties as they are envisioned by the Hindus themselves. Referred to by its adherents as the ”eternal religion,” Hinduism recognises for each age and each country a new form of revelation – and for each person,…
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Isbn: 9780892813544


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: B G Sidharth

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Hinduism Religion och tro
A leading astronomer proves that India had a thriving civilization capable of sophisticated astronomy long before Greece, Egypt, or any other world culture. *Provides conclusive evidence that the Rig Veda is 12,000 years old. *Establishes actual dates and places for many of the events in the Hindu epics. For more than…
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Isbn: 9780892817535


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Jean Markale

Kategorier: Kulturvetenskap Kulturvetenskap och medievetenskap Kulturvetenskap: seder och traditioner Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
One of humanity’s most enduring myths is that the dead, on certain nights of the year, can leave the Other World and move freely about the land of the living. Every year on October 31, when the children of the world parade through the streets dressed as monsters, skeletons, and witches, they reenact a sacred…
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Isbn: 9780892819003


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Peter Gold

Kategorier: Etnicitet Etniska minoriteter och mångkultur Historia Historia och arkeologi Historia: särskilda händelser och ämnen Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper Socialhistoria och kulturhistoria Ursprungsbefolkningar
The similarity between the Navajo and Tibetan spiritual traditions has often been remarked upon by scholars chiefly because of the mandala sand paintings common to both cultures, their ideas about matter and spirit, and their uncanny physical resemblance to one another. Author Peter Gold substantiates the shared…
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Isbn: 9780892814114


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Alex David-Neel

Kategorier: Buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Famed traveler and mystic Alexandra David-Neel, the first Western woman to see the forbidden city of Lhasa, Tibet, examines Eastern concepts of the afterlife in this classic study. The question of what occurs to the individual personality after death is fundamental to the human experience. In Immortality and…
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Isbn: 9780892816194


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Christopher Dell

Kategorier: Folkliga föreställningar och kontroversiell kunskap Folktro, myter och legender Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
From myth to manga, an artistic visual history of the human mind through an imaginative collection of fantastical monsters from around the world • Includes more than 300 colour illustrations • Reveals monsters to be essential companions to the gods and the necessary complement to the perfect human archetype of the…
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Isbn: 9781594773945


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Patch Adams con Maureen Mylander

Kategorier: Alternativa terapier, healing och hälsa Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Hälso- och sjukvård Medicin och omvårdnad Medicin: allmänt Psykologi Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
The inspiring and hilarious story of Patch Adams’s quest to bring free health care to the world and to transform the way doctors practice medicine • Tells the story of Patch Adam’s lifetime quest to transform the health care system • Released as a film from Universal Pictures, starring Robin Williams Meet…
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Isbn: 9781594773693


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Olivia (olivia Temple) Temple

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Shrouded in mystery for centuries, the Sphinx of Giza has frustrated many who have attempted to discover its original purpose. Accounts exist of the Sphinx as an oracle, as a king’s burial chamber and as a temple for initiation into the Hermetic Mysteries. Egyptologists have argued for decades about whether there are…
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Isbn: 9781594772719


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Kosta Danaos

Kategorier: Filosofi Filosofi och religion Filosofins historia och filosofiska traditioner Östasiatisk och indisk filosofi
Explains the science behind the practice of nei kung, the elemental nature of yin and yang energy–the two components of ch’i, and how learning to control the yang energy in our ch’i can result in the release of dynamic energy. • Establishes the existence and understanding of nei kung in the…

Isbn: 9780892819072


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Vanamali

Kategorier: Skönlitteratur Skönlitteratur: allmänt
Drawing on the original Sanskrit words of the great poet Valmiki, enhanced with tales from the oral tradition, Vanamali retells the complete Ramayana, the ancient Indian tale of love, duty and sacrifice, for a modern audience. Detailing the life and dharma of the seventh incarnation of Vishnu, Lord Ramachandra, she…
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Isbn: 9781620553190


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Robert E Ryan

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Andlighet och religiös erfarenhet Aspekter av religion Filosofi och religion Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Mysticism Mystik, magi och det ockulta Religion och tro
An exploration of shamanism and the archetypal symbolism that sits at the foundation of all human life. Not just an academic work. Helps the reader experience the actual mindset of the shaman. Presents a cohesive view of the recurrent patterns of symbolism and visionary experience that underlie all religion. The human…
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Isbn: 9780892817092


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Victoria LePage

Kategorier: Andlighet och religiös erfarenhet Aspekter av religion Filosofi och religion Mysticism Religion och tro
Jesus was a high-initiate and master adept of the ancient Judaic mysteries who strove to free people from the dead hand of the ritualists. He was trained in a dissident Jewish brotherhood that arose in Egypt before he was born, which sought to bring back the ancient Judaic mysteries outlawed by the Jerusalem temple. At…
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Isbn: 9781594771934


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Kenji Tokitsu

Kategorier: Kampsport Kampsport och självförsvar Sport, idrott och friluftsliv
An essential part of the martial arts of Japan, such as sumo and karate, the katas are specific sequences of movement that originated during Sakoku, Japan’s period of closure to the outside world from 1633 until 1853. The dedication-to-perfection philosophy of the katas, ubiquitous in Japanese society, is vital…
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Isbn: 9781594773488


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Leonora Leet

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Judendom Judiska heliga texter Religion och tro
A guide to how meditations and principles from the Kabbalah can be used to profoundly renew spiritual practice. – Reveals transformational meditations and visualization exercises based on the profoundest truths concealed in the Kabbalah. The covenant that bound God to the Patriarchs in a special relationship of…
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Isbn: 9780892817139


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Graham Phillips

Kategorier: Folkliga föreställningar och kontroversiell kunskap Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
Shows how a desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis • Reveals that Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings was designed not to keep intruders out, but to trap something inside • Provides forensic evidence proving that the mask believed to be the face of…
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Isbn: 9781591430094


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
· Explores five great but nearly forgotten minds of the past – John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife and T. Townsend Brown – and their revolutionary discoveries · Reveals information from leading experts on cold fusion, zero-point energy, power from water,…
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Isbn: 9781594773808


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Barbara Hand Clow

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Medier, änglar och kanalisering Parapsykologi och psykiska fenomen
Spanish Language Edition Compulsivo, convincente y autoritario. Una importante adicion a nuestro entendimiento de aniguas catastrofes y su impacto en la consciencia humana. Esencial lectura para el prehitoriador altrnativo. ANDREW COLLINS, autor de Gateway to Atlantis and From the Ashes of Angels (La Entrada a la…
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Isbn: 9780892811403


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:James Wasserman

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Set within the dramatic tableau of the mediaeval Crusades, this story of initiation, adventure and romance follows members of the Knights Templar and Assassins as they discover a mystical tradition with the potential to unify, protect and liberate humankind – the very heresy for which the Knights Templar were…
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Isbn: 9781620556580


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Rufus Camphausen

Kategorier: Genusvetenskap Genusvetenskap: kvinnor och flickor Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper
From earliest times, humanity has found visual expression for the cosmic forces of creation, birth and passion in artistic representations of human genitalia. Fertility cults centred on phallic worship are well documented, but older and even more pervasive are Goddess images of the vulva – known in the East since…
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Isbn: 9780892815623


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Mike Jay

Kategorier: Allmän historia, världshistoria Historia Historia och arkeologi
An illustrated cultural history of drug use from its roots in animal intoxication to its future in designer neurochemicals • Featuring artwork from the upcoming High Society exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London, one of the world’s greatest medical history collections • Explores the roles drugs play in…
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Isbn: 9781594773938


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av:Richard Heath

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
All of culture can be said to be made up of stories. In fact it is stories, more than language, tools or intellect, that make us human. Our Neolithic and Megalithic ancestors recognised this and stored, within their mythic narratives, an understanding of how sky changes evoke changes in consciousness as human cultures…
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Isbn: 9781594773631


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Andrew Cohen With Hans Plasqui Foreword

Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc.
After his very public fall from grace in 2013, renowned spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen vanished from view and underwent a dark night of the soul. After years of intense introspection and soul-searching, Cohen shares his insights into the failure of his organization EnlightenNext, including his own responsibility for…
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Isbn: 9781644115909


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: Moke Kupihea

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Antropologi Etnicitet Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Historia Historia och arkeologi Historia: särskilda händelser och ämnen Kulturantropologi och socialantropologi Mystik, magi och det ockulta Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Shamanism, hednisk religion och druidism Sociala grupper Socialhistoria och kulturhistoria Sociologi och antropologi
In Hawaiian spiritual tradition the sacred bond formed between the land and its people is reinforced in every new generation by the voices of the ancestors who pass on this inheritance. Just as elders are the intermediaries between these ancestral voices and the younger generations the ’aumakua of ancestral…
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Isbn: 9780892811441


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC

av: John Perkins

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Kulturvetenskap Kulturvetenskap och medievetenskap Kulturvetenskap: seder och traditioner Mystik, magi och det ockulta Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Shamanism, hednisk religion och druidism
Muchas culturas indígenas practican la transmutación. Los cazadores nativos norteamericanos adoptan el espíritu de su presa para tener éxito en la cacería. Los médicos asiáticos ”ingieren” una enfermedad para curar a la persona que la padece. Los guerreros del Amazonas se…
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Isbn: 9780892815920


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC