Sökresultat för Ovid... Rensa filter?

av:John F. Miller, Carole E. Newlands

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Isbn: 9781444339673


Utgivare: John Wiley & Sons

Mediatyp: BC

av:Martina Björk

Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Litteraturvetenskap och litteraturkritik Litteraturvetenskap: poesi och poeter
Were Ovid’s Heroides inspired by the contemporary practice in oratory at schools? The similarity of the poems to the rhetorical exercise ethopoeia has made scholars believe so for many centuries. However, there are very few studies into the matter, and the comparison has been controversial. In this thesis, the author…
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Isbn: 9789188473004


Utgivare: Media-Tryck

Mediatyp: BC

av: Ovid

Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Poesi
The first female translator of the epic into English in over sixty years, Stephanie McCarter addresses accuracy in translation and its representation of women, gendered dynamics of power, and sexual violence in Ovid’s classic.      Ovid’s Metamorphoses is an epic poem, but one that upturns almost every…
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Isbn: 9780143134237


Utgivare: Penguin USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Katharina Volk

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Isbn: 9781405136426


Utgivare: John Wiley & Sons

Mediatyp: BB

av:Editor:Peter E.Knox

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Isbn: 9781405141833


Utgivare: John Wiley & Sons

Mediatyp: BB