Sökresultat för Robert Sachs... Rensa filter?

av: Robert Sachs

Kategorier: Att hantera död och sorg Att hantera personliga problem Familj och hälsa Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Written with lucidity and compassionate understanding, Perfect Endings shows how the death experience is an expansion into a wider dimension of our core being. As we move through our dying process, all the strength and wisdom we have gained in a lifetime is called forth. This is a time of quickening in which the final…
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Isbn: 9780892817795


Utgivare: Healing Arts Press

Mediatyp: BC

av: Robert Sachs

Kategorier: Alternativa terapier, healing och hälsa Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Discover the four levels of traditional Tibetan healing science with this preventive health care manual for people of any age, culture, and physical type.• Includes material on little-known therapies such as Pancha Karma and Kum Nye, as well as guidelines for nutrition, longevity, detoxification, and…
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Isbn: 9780892819362


Utgivare: Healing Arts Press

Mediatyp: BC

av: Robert Sachs

Kategorier: Dejting, relationer, samlevnad och äktenskap Familj och hälsa Familj och relationer Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Beginning his book with the ringing question ’what are you waiting for?’ Robert Sachs goes on to interweave traditional Buddhist thought with the concerns of the modern couple. Using clear playful language Sachs describes the different aspects of healthy relationships within a Buddhist context. However…
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Isbn: 9780892819140


Utgivare: Inner Traditions

Mediatyp: BC