
Understanding The Tarot [Book]

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Spå i kort Spådomskonst Tarot
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Understanding The Tarot [Book]

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Spå i kort Spådomskonst Tarot
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You may have seen tarot cards in use, and you may even have had a reading, but learning to interpret the cards for yourself will probably seem daunting. Why, for example does The Fool stride bodly off the edge of a cliff? Why is The Hanged Man so serene? And what can these figures tell you about yourself and your future? Understanding the Tarot answers all these questions and will introduce you to the tarot's rich and fascinating world of symbolism and divination. The vast range of tarot decks available can quickly baffle the beginner, and so twelve popular decks have been selected here and are illustrated in brilliant colour. All seventy-eight cards of the Major and Minor Arcana, their imagery and meanings, are discussed and compared. Then, Understanding the Tarot goes on to guide you through spreads of varying complexity, accompanied by real-life case histories to highlight the unique powers of insight the cards can have on your life. Throughout the book, the author draws on her enormous teaching experience, using question-and-answer panels to anticipate your queries as they arise. Understanding the Tarot is the ultimate learning tool to master using the cards.