Sökresultat för Joan Bunning...
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Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Spå i kort Spådomskonst Tarot
Each tarot reader has a unique style that they hone over time into the fine art of divining the future. In this essential guide to arranging cards into prophetic patterns, Joan Bunning has compiled a veritable encyclopedia of tarot spreads with great appeal for accomplished readers who want to explore further as well…
Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Spå i kort Spådomskonst Tarot
Think of the last time you did a tarot reading or had one. How many of the cards were reversed? Close to half? Well, of course! So why do so many books treat reversed cards in what is basically a cursory manner? Joan Bunning to the rescue with Learning Tarot Reversals–finally reversed cards get the attention they…
A complete beginner’s course with step-by-step lessons on how to work with tarot cards for personal guidance.Joan Bunning’s “Learning the Tarot—An Online Course” has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide discover the personal value of the tarot. Drawing on the material offered…
Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Spå i kort Spådomskonst Tarot
A much-needed guide to working with and interpreting "reversals" (those cards that are upside down during a tarot reading) from the author of The Big Book of Tarot.So much has been written on interpreting the meanings of tarot cards, but, according to Joan Bunning, there is one particular type of meaning…