Sökresultat för Random House USA, Other Press LLC... Rensa filter?

av:Lena Andersson

Kategorier: Skönlitteratur Skönlitteratur: allmänt
Ragnar Johansson is born in 1932, a transformative moment in Swedish history. He has Swedish social democracy flowing through his veins – convinced it lifted humankind out of the dark ages and into modernity, he cherishes it. At times Ragnar despises his mother, Svea, whose perpetual baking, scrubbing, and…
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Isbn: 9781635420043


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Lina Wolff

Kategorier: Skönlitteratur Skönlitteratur: allmänt
In this latest novel from the award-winning author of The Polyglot Lovers, a writer searching for inspiration in Spain goes on a darkly comic, delightfully absurd journey through an underground society. Awarded a three-month stipend to travel and work, a Swedish writer flies to Madrid, where in a bar she meets a man…
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Isbn: 9781635420746


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Cristina De Stefano

Kategorier: Biografi: allmänt Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc.
A fresh, comprehensive biography of the pioneering educator and activist who changed the way we look at children’s minds, from the author of Oriana Fallaci. Born in 1870 in Chiaravalle, Italy, Maria Montessori would grow up to embody almost every trait men of her era detested in the fairer sex. She was…

Isbn: 9781635424133


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9781635422689


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC