Sökresultat för Kevin J Anderson... Rensa filter?

av:Kevin J Anderson, Rebecca Moesta

I den tolfte boken i Young Jedi Knights-serien återvänder Han Solo och tvillingarna Jacen och Jaina till Ord Mantell. Med sig har de en Millennium Falcon som de ska delta med i en kappkörningstävling. (Pappa Solo vann den här tävlingen som ung.) De stöter på oväntat motstånd i form av en segerlysten, ung kvinna, Anja…
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Isbn: 9789163837975


Utgivare: Bonnier Carlsen

Mediatyp: BB

av:kevin J Anderson

General Adolphus knows the Monarchy crackdown is coming. Now he needs to pull together all the resources of the Hellhole colony, the ever-expanding shadow-Xayan settlement, and his connections with the other Deep Zone worlds. On Sonjeera, Diadem Michella Duchenet has collected a huge fleet, led by firebrand Commissar…
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Isbn: 9781847394323


Utgivare: Simon & Schuster UK

Mediatyp: BC

av:Brian Herbert, Kevin J Anderson

Kategorier: Fantasy Skönlitteratur
As the no-ship Ithaca flees through space, the heroes of HUNTERS OF DUNE finally meet the Enemy who followed the violent fanatics, the Honored Matres, back to their universe. The thinking machines vanquished by Serena Butler’s jihad were not destroyed, only driven into exile – and now, tens of thousands of…
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Isbn: 9780340837528


Utgivare: Hodder & Stoughton

Mediatyp: BC