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av:Melanie Raabe

Kategorier: Skönlitteratur Thrillers
I know who killed my sister. I wrote this novel for him. Twelve years ago, Linda’s sister Anna was murdered. Her killer was never caught, but Linda saw him. Now, all these years on, she’s just seen him again. On TV. He has since become a well-known reporter, and Linda – a famous novelist and infamous…
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Isbn: 9781509829835


Utgivare: Pan Books Ltd

Mediatyp: BC

av:Melanie Raabe

Kategorier: Deckare Skönlitteratur
Several years ago, your husband, and the father of your young son, disappeared. Since then, you’ve dreamed of his return; railed against him for leaving you alone; grieved for your marriage; and, finally, vowed to move on. One morning, the phone rings. When you answer, a voice at the other end tells you your…
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Isbn: 9781509886227


Utgivare: Pan Books Ltd

Mediatyp: BC

av:Melanie Raabe

Kategorier: Psykologiska thrillers Skönlitteratur Thrillers
»Ovanlig, djupt psykologisk deckare med häftig intrig. Jag gillar den!« Betyg: 4 av 5 – Magnus Utvik, Gomorron, SVT Linda Conrads, 38, är en berömd och notoriskt tillbakadragen kriminalförfattare. För tolv år sedan blev hennes syster, Anna, brutalt mördad. Mördaren åkte aldrig fast, men Linda såg honom. Och nu…
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Isbn: 9789188447159


Utgivare: Louise Bäckelin Förlag

Mediatyp: BB