Sökresultat för Pema Chodron... Rensa filter?

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
It's true, as they say, that we can only love others when we first love ourselves, and we can only experience real joy when we stop running from pain. The key to understanding these truisms lies in remaining open to life in all circumstances, and here Pema Chödrön shows us how. When we embrace the happiness and…
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Isbn: 9781611806052


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9781590302651


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BB

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
We all want to be fearless, joyful, and fully alive. And we all know that it’s not so easy. We’re bombarded every day with false promises of ways to make our lives better—buy this, go here, eat this, don’t do that; the list goes on and on. But Pema Chödrön shows that, until we get to the heart of who we are and really…
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Isbn: 9781611805970


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
We live in difficult times. Life so often seems like a turbulent river threatening to drown us and destroy our world. Why, then, shouldn’t we cling to the certainty of the comfortable-to our deep-seated habits and familiar ways? Because, Pema Chödrön teaches, that kind of fear-based clinging keeps us from the…

Isbn: 9781611806809


Utgivare: Penguin USA

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9781570629693


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BB

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Compassion is a skill. You can learn it here and now, and the benefits are vast. In this recorded retreat, Pema Chödrön shows you how—using a text that is very close to her heart: the Buddhist classic known as The Way of the Bodhisattva. Here she focuses on its primary subject, the enlightened heart and mind…
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Isbn: 9781611801620


Utgivare: Shambhala Publications Inc

Mediatyp: DI

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Isbn: 9781611803891


Utgivare: Penguin Random House

Mediatyp: BB

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
We always have a choice in how we react to the circumstances of our lives. We can let them harden us and make us increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and allow our inherent human kindness to shine through. Here Pema Chödrön provides essential tools for dealing with the many difficulties that…
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Isbn: 9781611805963


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Självhjälp och praktiska råd
This book offers short, stand-alone readings designed to help us cultivate compassion and awareness amid the challenges of daily living. More than a collection of thoughts for the day, Comfortable with Uncertainty offers a progressive program of spiritual study, leading the reader through essential concepts, themes,…
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Isbn: 9781590300787


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiskt liv och praxis Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
You can’t get away from suffering. That’s the good news, teaches Pema ChAdrAn. For at the core of your most painful experiences-perhaps more than anywhere else-you will find the seeds of your awakening. On Noble Heart, this bestselling author and Tibetan Buddhist nun shows you how vulnerability is our…
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Isbn: 9781591792307


Utgivare: Sounds True

Mediatyp: 00

Kategorier: Diverse Livsstil, hobby och fritid Pappersvaror
Best-selling author Pema Chödrön is a leading exponent of teachings on meditation and how they apply to everyday life. She is widely known for her engaging and down-to-earth interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism for Western audiences. NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK

Isbn: 9781631368912


Utgivare: Deep Books

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Självhjälp och praktiska råd
Have you ever had an itch and not scratched it? In the Buddhist tradition, this points to a vast paradox: that by refraining from our urge to scratch, great peace and happiness is available. On Getting Unstuck, Pema Chödrön introduces a rare Tibetan teaching she received from her teacher, Dzigar Kontrul Rinpoche, and…
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Isbn: 9781591792383


Utgivare: Sounds True

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Listen to an audio excerpt online in MP3 format–click here. Life has a way of provoking us with traffic jams and computer malfunctions, with emotionally distant partners and crying children–and before we know it, we’re upset. We feel terrible, and then we end up saying and doing things that only make…
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Isbn: 9781590304341


Utgivare: Penguin Random House USA

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiskt liv och praxis Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Tibetan Buddhists regard shamatha/vipashyana (peaceful dwelling/insight) as both the fundamental and the most advanced spiritual practice of all. Pema ChAdrAn takes you through each step of this timeless and elegant meditative form that illuminates and purifies the obstacles to spiritual realization. Pure Meditation is…
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Isbn: 9781591792628


Utgivare: Sounds True

Mediatyp: 00

av: Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Barn och ungdom: pappersvaror, merchandise etc. Barnböcker, ungdomsböcker och läromedel
The Pema Chödrön: Awakening the Heart wall calendar features quotes from several of Chödrön's books, including Always Maintain a Joyful Mind, Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change, Practicing Peace in Times of War, and The Places That Scare You, and is designed to help us cultivate…

Isbn: 9781631365447


Utgivare: Amber Lotus Publishing

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiskt liv och praxis Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Right now, there is a vast wisdom available to all of us – our ”natural awareness” that lies beneath the discursive mind and its habitual reactions. On Natural Awareness, beloved teacher and bestselling author Pema Chödrön offers a practical four-CD program for helping access this spacious quality of…
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Isbn: 9781604074352


Utgivare: Sounds True

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
An in-depth study course from Buddhist nun Chdrn on awakening the qualities of love, compassion, joy, and the equanimity of an open heart–complete with practical exercises.
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Isbn: 9781590306284


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Meditation och visualisering Mindfulness Populärpsykologi och personlig utveckling Självhjälp och praktiska råd
Within the wisdom teachings of Buddhism, there are many stories that refer to its founder as the Supreme Physician, a healer of all illness-mental, physical, and spiritual. The Buddha understood suffering and its antidote, and his prescription and philosophy for right living led directly to a Tibetan meditation…
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Isbn: 9781564558466


Utgivare: Sounds True

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Buddhistiska riktningar Buddhistiska riktningar: mahayana Buddhistiska riktningar: tibetansk buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
An American Buddhist nun explains how to become compassionate and fearless by accepting the pain in individual lives in their present state through the study of fifty-nine traditional Tibetan Buddhist sayings.
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Isbn: 9781570628399


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av: Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Diverse Livsstil, hobby och fritid Pappersvaror
Best-selling author Pema ChÖdrÖn is a leading exponent of teachings on meditation and how they apply to everyday life. The Pema ChÖdrÖn: Awakening the Heart engagement calendar features selections from her book Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change, and aims to help us cultivate compassion, courage, and…

Isbn: 9781631363788


Utgivare: Amber Lotus Publishing

Mediatyp: 00

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Isbn: 9781570628726


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9781611803648


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Buddhism Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
”Lojong” is a powerful Tibetan Buddhist practice created especially for training the mind to work with the challenges of everyday living. It teaches our hearts to soften, reframes our attitude toward difficulty, and allows us to discover a wellspring of inner strength. In this recorded retreat, Pema Chodron…
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Isbn: 9781590304938


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: 00

av:Pema Chodron

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Let compassion and fearlessness guide you and you’ll live wisely and effectively in good times and bad. But that’s easier said than done. Here Pema Ch dr n introduces a powerful, transformative method to nurture these qualities using a practice called lojong, which has been a primary focus of her teachings…
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Isbn: 9781611804201


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC