Sökresultat för Vraje Abramian... Rensa filter?

av:Vraje Abramian

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Islam Islamiska riktningar Islamiska riktningar: sufism Religion och tro
This book contains new translations of over 100 short statements of Sufic wisdom from Sheikh Abol-Hasan of Kharaqhan (died 1034), a ”Sufis’ Sufi”. He is not known as well or as widely as some of the great Muslim saints from Khorasan-Attar, Rumi, or Bahaoddin Naqhshband. But, this near anonymity was…
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Isbn: 9781935387121


Utgivare: Hohm Press

Mediatyp: BC

av:Vraje Abramian

Kategorier: Filosofi och religion Religion och tro
Sufi Masters throughout the ages have always reminded seekers that the final answers lie in Silence, where the ego-mind is absent. Still, they have also been great poets and storytellers, whose words were capable of life-altering effects. This is a fresh and extensive collection that will both instruct and encourage…
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Isbn: 9781942493068


Utgivare: Hohm Press

Mediatyp: BC

av:Vraje Abramian

Kategorier: Andlighet och religiös erfarenhet Aspekter av religion Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Diktsamlingar (poesi) Filosofi och religion Islam Islamiska riktningar Islamiska riktningar: sufism Mysticism Poesi Religion och tro
Sufism (esoteric Islam) has, in the last half century, become a respected spiritual tradition no longer limited to Islam or the Middle-East. Any responsible work of translation of Sufi literature from original sources, therefore, is a step in helping further the appreciation of the Sufi heritage in spirituality. For…
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Isbn: 9781935387428


Utgivare: Kalindi Press

Mediatyp: BC