Teaching english in secondary school : a handbook of essentials
Teaching english in secondary school : a handbook of essentials
Kategorier: Pedagogik Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Språk och lingvistik Språkundervisning och språkinlärning Språkundervisning: teori och metod Undervisning i specifika ämnen
The content covers a broad range of essential topics, including Communicative Language Teaching, L2 materials analysis, and language learning psychology as well as the four main language skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each chapter provides an overview of key concepts, issues, and terms related to the respective topic, meant to stimulate curiosity about how L2 teaching and learning can be framed, organized, and accomplished.
Teaching English in Secondary School is intended as an introduction to L2 teaching for those new to the field and as a reference book for practicing teachers.