Sökresultat för Robert E. Howard... Rensa filter?

av:Robert E Howard

Kategorier: Fantasy Skönlitteratur
”[Behind Howard’s stories] lurks a dark poetry and the timeless truth of dreams.” -Robert Bloch” ””Howard’s writing seems so highly charged with energy that it nearly gives off sparks.” -Stephen King The classic pulp magazines of the early twentieth century are long gone,…
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Isbn: 9780345490193


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC

av:Robert E Howard

Kategorier: Skönlitteratur Skräck
Here are Howard’s greatest horror tales, all in their original, definitive versions. Some of Howard’s best-known characters-Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn, and sailor Steve Costigan among them-roam the forbidding locales of the author’s fevered imagination, from the swamps and bayous of the Deep South to…
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Isbn: 9780345490209


Utgivare: Random House USA

Mediatyp: BC