
av:Kim Skjoldager-Nielsen

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konstformer Performance Scenkonst och film Teatervetenskap
How may theatre, ritual, and other staged events facilitate participant experiences of becoming part of that which is larger than the self? Why are these experiences of transcendence important to us? And how do we make sense of them? These are some of the questions that this PhD thesis attempts to answer by giving…
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Isbn: 9789186434540


Utgivare: Stockholm University

Mediatyp: BC

av: Kanslibyrån, John Huntington, Per-Arne Sträng

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konstformer Performance
I boken presenteras ett urval av de över femhundra konstnärliga interventioner som ingår i projektet Aktionsarkivet. Arkivets aktioner tar plats i vardagliga miljöer och utmanar invanda beteendemönster och förgivettagna normer. Det är en småskalig motståndskamp som ges form i arkivets irrationella och poetiska…
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Isbn: 9789163957567


Utgivare: John Huntington

Mediatyp: BB

av:Jonas Nobel, Bella Rune

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konstformer Konstinstallationer Performance
RESTAURANG ALLEHENSRÄTTEN by Sagovolvo (Bella Rune & Jonas Nobel) was a performance piece where the audience was brought on a hike through a forest area on Djurgården in Stockholm. During the walk small dishes of food was served, inspired by the things you can find and pick in nature. In all the laid out scenes…

Isbn: 9789198185423


Utgivare: Null & Void Books

Mediatyp: BE

av:Joakim Stampe

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konst: teman och motiv Konstformer Performance Särskilda konstnärer
Painting With Time explore the non-commercial, utopian and cutting-edge performance art of Joakim Stampe (b. 1959). In this extensive survey we encounter an avant-garde artist refusing to embrace the capitalist aesthetics of the marketplace.  His outstanding intransigeance manifests the very aesthetics of resistance…
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Isbn: 9789188383761


Utgivare: Bokförlaget Korpen

Mediatyp: BC

av: Silvana Editoriale

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konst: teman och motiv Konstformer Performance Särskilda konstnärer
Key performances and new works from the Cuban activist and artist Tania Bruguera, famed for her courageous defiance of governmental oppression. Text in English and Italian.

Isbn: 9788836645138


Utgivare: ACC Distributed

Mediatyp: BB

av: Carolina Ponce de León

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konst: teman och motiv Konstformer Performance Särskilda konstnärer
Colombian artist María Teresa Hincapié (1956–2008) was one of the most influential figures of Latin American body art. Text in English and Spanish.
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Isbn: 9788418895678


Utgivare: ACC Distributed

Mediatyp: BC

av:Nathalie S. Fari

Kategorier: Icke-grafisk konst Konst Konstformer Performance
This book is structured as a compilation thesis which includes the different materials that came out of the performance laboratories carried out at specific places in Gothenburg and Rio de Janeiro such as articles, video-essays, questionnaires, laboratory reports, and film. Divided into six chapters, it provides an…
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Isbn: 9789180696791


Utgivare: ArtMonitor

Mediatyp: BC