
Joyful by Nature

Kategorier: Att hantera personliga problem Att hantera stress Familj och hälsa Fotvandring Friluftsaktiviteter Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Populärpsykologi och personlig utveckling Självhjälp och praktiska råd Självkänsla, självförtroende och motivation Sport, idrott och friluftsliv
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Joyful by Nature

Kategorier: Att hantera personliga problem Att hantera stress Familj och hälsa Fotvandring Friluftsaktiviteter Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Populärpsykologi och personlig utveckling Självhjälp och praktiska råd Självkänsla, självförtroende och motivation Sport, idrott och friluftsliv
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Created for the modern woman of color, Joyful by Nature is your guide to reconnecting with nature and reclaiming your place in the outdoor community.

Women, especially women of color, are often taught to quiet their inner voice and instead put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. We’re taught to search for answers outside of ourselves that may leave us feeling broken, not enough, and disconnected from our true self. Joyful by Nature inspires and encourages you, as part of a new generation of women, to transcend these feelings and explore wellness through:
  • Understanding why the outdoors is important to women of color
  • Identifying the outdoors as a place accessible to everyone and self-care as a given, not as a "reward"
  • Learning grounding and mindfulness techniques to help you connect with the physical world
  • Building your unique restorative self-care plan by identifying personal values and activities that align with them

Let’s embark on an outdoor journey together and discover clarity, rest, joy, play, and freedom!